
He sees me. It doesn't sound like much but it is - it is because sometimes I don't feel seen.

I feel forgotten.

David says it well in Psalm 31:12 "(My paraphrase) I'm forgotten like a dead man, my soul is broken." Forgotten... such a strange word. It means to cease or fail to remember. To neglect unintentionally. The very essence of the word is unintentional. But how many times do we take being forgotten as a personal offence?


Like they chose to forget you or I. But that's not what the word even means. Many times I have cried out in frustration, "LORD! Why have you forgotten me?" But that is physically impossible.

How could any father forget the child he loves?
I mean seriously?
How could our Father forget a child he loves?

He couldn't. He wouldn't. And any seeming neglect isn't because He doesn't care. It's because He's a good Father. A good Father who won't spoil his children with over indulgence. A good Father who sees the NEEDS and meets them before we can ask. A good Father is what He is.

Psalm 33:18-21
18 Behold the eye of the LORD is upon those who fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;
19 To deliver their soul from Death and keep them alive in famine.
20 Our soul waiteth for the LORD: He is out help and our shield.
21 For our hearts shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in his holy name.

Because His eye is on me... I know I can't be forgotten.


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