Verse of the week: Still Waters

He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
Psalms 23:2

I live in beautiful, tropical sunny Florida. (It was one of the many reasons I chose the name of this blog :P)

Lately though, it has not been so beautiful, the waters have been scary to say the least. Hurricane Irma came through and put her fingerprint on our tiny coastal town. The marks of angry waves still show in Everglades homes.

The wind pushing those waves was worse though. I could hear it rushing up and down our street like a hundred cars passing by our house at top speeds in the rain. Tree limbs bounced off our roof. The very opposite of the peace and calm painted in this scripture.

But think about this... He - Jesus - makes you and me lie down green pastures. Have ypu ever seen a green field? Like really green? If you live where I do in Florida you haven't... Haha but go anywhere else and there are patches of the greenest places on earth.

That's where Jesus wants to take you and let you rest.

To the greenest place. He doesn't settle on second best when it comes to you. He wants to take you to the best places of provision and satisfaction. The greenest pastures.

But wait! There's more!

He leads you by still waters. PEACE. He brings you to peace.

This whole picture is so beautiful I can't help but remember in the middle of the storm, when everything outside had reached its height, there was a sudden calm.

Nothing moved. Air stilled. Rain slowed. Almost everything was peaceful.

I think hurricanes are a perfect picture of what Jesus wants to do for you and me. In the middle of a huge, devastating storm or circumstance, He wants to bring you complete peace.

How cool!

This week allow the Lord to bring you to a place of complete peace, even if its just for a moment. Ask Him, "Jesus show me how you are peace for me today?"

Beautiful words in the middle of uncertain times.

Charissa's paraphrase:
Because He is my Shepherd, I will not want.
Because He leads me, I will drink still waters.


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