Dark Days

Let's talk about the darkest days in history. Some people say that is the time before Jesus. Others the day Jesus died. Personally I think the darkest days had to be the three days between the death of Jesus and his resurrection.

Think about it.

You have walked with Jesus for three years. You have watched him do miracles, including raising the dead to life. You have seen him feed multitudes and walk on water. He really is the Son of God. You've see it!

He is the answer to the Roman problem. Once the time is right He will reign on earth as King of Israel, putting Rome in its place. That's what the Messiah was supposed to do.

Or at least that's what you thought.

But here you are, hiding. When three days before you were rejoicing. The man you knew personally, you couldn't even recognize when he was hanging on the cross, because of how they beat him. He is dead.

You saw it.

He is dead in a grave. So that must be it. The end. What are you going to do? If they killed him they might be on their way to kill you too. Where do you go? This wasn't how things were supposed to go.

Maybe on the first day you would believe that God can still do what he promised. You remember what Jesus said so maybe it will happen. But the second morning, no one comes. Your friends are still in hiding and God has not shown up.

Under the circumstances it would be impossible to believe. Impossible to see to see the hope. Impossible to see the faithfulness of God.

These dark days preceded the most glorious victory in history.

The same is true for us. It may seem like the day is over and done. Like God isn't faithful or he hasn't done what he said. It might just be your three dark days. It might just be the darkness before the dawn.

Don't give up!

God is faithful! On the other side of the dark days of hopelessness stands our glorious Savoir.  He alone will be glorified through this!

This thought has comforted me: The disciples didn't need to believe for God to raise Jesus.

Let me say that again: The disciples didn't need to believe for God to raise Jesus from the dead.

It's okay if you feel hopeless and afraid. It's okay if you are having trouble believing. It's okay if you are struggling.

God is faithful!

I believe that God will do it just as he has said.


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