Pure Belief

Last Thursday I went to a graduation. It was a prekindergarten graduation for the best little boy there is. I wasn't even sure I could make it because I learned about it the day of. But praise the Lord I was able to make it.

When I walked through that door I heard my name, "Charissa!" My heart stopped because I knew that little voice. I couldn't see him just yet but I almost knew what his face looked like because of the sound of his voice.

Then I saw him.

His face was lit up and a huge smile covered it. He was wiggling because he wanted to get up but he knew he had to sit there. My heart melted as he stood up, with a nod from the teacher, ran past his dad straight into my arms.

"Charissa! I knew you'd come! I just knew it!"

No one told him that I was coming. No one told him I'd be there. No one even told me until that day.

But he believed.

Can you imagine having such faith? The Lord spoke so clearly to my heart through this situation. He is me. The difference is he knows the situations in your life that you need him to show up to. And he's coming.

He's coming.

He would never dream of missing your graduation, wedding, any hardship you face. He wouldn't dream of it.

He's coming.

I just have to believe it. Have that child like faith and believe that he is coming for me. Because he wouldn't miss it.

This is my favorite picture that the Lord has given to me concerning faith. Because I know how it felt to be in the position of the parent receiving the faith of a child. That feeling of complete joy and satisfaction when someone completely believes in your faithfulness to them.

Lord help me trust in your everlasting faithfulness toward me. I need you.


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