Becoming a Tree Planted by Water...

Jeremiah 17:7-8 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." 

A while ago I felt like the Lord spoke to my heart through this verse. "Charissa, you are going to become like that tree planted by water. Unmovable, steadfast in your faith."

I was excited!

That sounds cool! Have you ever seen trees planted by a flowing stream? They look so majestic and beautiful as they just sit unmoved by the winds and rain. They are beautiful. I was like, "Sign me up, Jesus! I'm so on board for this tree stuff!"

I didn't know that it takes a lot of time, patience and endurance to become that tree.

Most trees don't just start out being strong, beautiful and steady. They all start small... little seeds and grow into that. It's the same with people.

When I first started following Jesus, I was like that little sapling, so tender and new just happy to be planted in Christ. Then my first real wind came by. I was pulled up by my roots! How rude!! Everything I thought I knew about Jesus and the Bible put to the test because of circumstances that I couldn't control. I was so unsure and unstable and it took me a long time to find myself planted again.

This happened more than once.

It happened more times than I'd like to admit.

Slowly though, I began to have roots and when those big winds came it didn't move me as much. Maybe bend me a little, strip some of my leaves off but nothing like it was before. From that time the Lord has continued to grow me and grow my trust in Him.

Can I be honest?

I feel like a tree planted by water, but the storms of life have completely stripped me bare. My trust is in the Most High. I don't feel moved by my circumstances, but I am still hurting. "It's not fair!" is my favorite words to the Lord lately, but the truth is that everything that He does is right. No, it isn't fair. Most of life isn't. But... He is good. My perfect Gardener takes care of all my needs.

I know I'm not done. This is only the beginning of this particular journey with the Lord. But that's okay. I'm not okay, but I know that really soon I will be. Not because of who I am but because of who He is.

There is something about following the Lord this way, letting Him strip you of everything that you hold dear, of giving Him your complete life, that is so FREEING. I would gladly endure all the storms that I've come through again - to be where I am right now. Without a doubt following Jesus has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I won't ever regret getting down on my knees eleven years ago and giving Him my heart. Never.

Can I challenge you?

Whatever it is that is holding you back from Jesus. Tell Him about it. Tell Him why you don't want to follow Him. Tell Him why you don't believe His word. Tell Him everything. I'm sure He has the answer for you. I know He does. Maybe He won't give you all the answers right now, but He will. This life is the only thing worth giving to my Jesus. I don't know about you, but I want to give Him all of it.

After writing this it seems like a hodgepodge of things that the Lord has been laying on my heart to share. I'll be honest - I'm not okay right now. But that doesn't mean He isn't good. It doesn't mean He isn't still making me a tree planted by water. It's just going to take some time.


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