A little over a week

Today I had to say goodbye to a very dear lady, who has been there for me the last couple of months. She was constantly looking out for me, helping me find babysitting jobs here and there and listening to me as I told her all the plans that I had for myself. As I was hugging her, I realized that it is a little over a week and I will not be home anymore. A wave of sadness covered me and unfortunately it hasn't left me yet. I feel like I could cry and the drop of a hat. I'm not sad about going, its more being sad about all the things I am leaving behind. My cute little Sunday school kids, my Praise team girls and boys, the kids I coach at SAINTS, my friends and family. The places I am comfortable in, my church, my home, the park I coach at. With this move God is stretching me so much more than I want to be stretched. It is sad to say goodbye to such a wonderful chapter in my life. But He is in control right? He knows what He is doing and He wouldn't give me a job that I couldn't do with His help. That all sounds really good, but right now I have a hard time walking in it. 
I wrote a song a long time ago and it fits this situation almost perfectly. This is the chorus: 
Jesus rescue me
I'm lost and I'm drowning
The waves are all surrounding
Jesus rescue me
This mountain is too tall
I can't do this at all
Jesus rescue me

The great thing about God is that if I call on Him, He will rescue me. That is reassuring... (sigh) I'm just sad right now. 


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