Arm Injury - Explained ;)

I have been receiving many messages, texts and emails in regards to my arm. Many people ask these questions:
"What Happened!?!?!?"
"Are you ok?!?"
"I just saw you why are you in a sling?"

Hopefully by the end of this post I will have explained everything :)
About 6 months ago I had pain shooting up and down my left arm. I have a high tolerance for pain so I sucked it up and toughed it out for a week. After a week of pain it finally went away. That brings us to Saturday night June 14th 2014. I was all alone in my dorm room and I wanted some friends so I went down to Mrs. Jane's dorm room and had every intention of sitting quietly watching the movie...

This is when I discovered the depths of my workaholic nature.... I couldn't just sit there! I saw Brianna working on bracelets and decided that I needed to help with them. As soon as I figured out how to make the bracelets I challenged myself. How many could I make before Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth? The whole time I was looking down and focusing on the task at hand. After finishing 30 bracelets, I was exhausted, the movie was over and I went to bed.
Me during the first study session at CYIA. Sisi didn't want me to take pictures of her so I took a picture of myself :) 

The next morning I woke up and my neck was hurting... I shrugged it off thinking that it would just go away. Bethany and I ran around and ate a cookies for breakfast then headed over to our first staff meeting for week two. Mrs. Jane started the meeting and I felt a shooting pain enter my shoulder. It was like someone had shoved a knife into my nerve. I must have made a face of pain because as soon as Mrs. Jane could she mouthed "Are you ok?". By the end of the meeting my whole arm ached and the pain in my shoulder was still there. Mrs. Janette, the nurse started to leave the room to get ready for the students that would be coming in less than an hour and I stood up  and almost shouted "Can I talk to you?". Everyone looked at me funny as I followed the nurse out. She decided to give me medicine and later we put my arm in a sling because it relieved the pressure off of my shoulder.

It was so sad to only teach with one hand! They both like to be expressive as I teach and my right hand was very lonely without it's counterpart! 
By Tuesday morning I was in such pain that four ibuprofen would only help me for about two hours. Glenna graciously drove me to a walk-in clinic where a doctor quickly examined me and gave a prescription for steroids and narcotics.  I don't remember what they were called, but the first night that I had them I couldn't get up into bed because my arms and legs wouldn't do what I told them too!

All of the students and staff joked with me that I was on drugs. Most of the second week I was sort of loopy. You could find me different places with my blanket sleeping just to get the edge off the drugs. On Wednesday I slept for 5 hours during the day. :) 
On Wednesday, Mrs. Janette and I started soaking my arm in warm water because it helped. At first we just had a small bucket. My arm did not fit. Haha half of it was sticking out! The next time we soaked it, we did it in our dorm sink. This one did not have a plug so we improved with a paper towel. Let's just say I have some wonderful memories of us soaking my arm in the sinks! The biggest sink that fit my arm was the one in Steele hall. So during classes you could find me and Mrs. Janette in the bathroom with my arm in hot water. Haha :) Good times!

By the end of the week, most of the staff had told me when I got home that I needed to find a doctor. I knew that this was the case but I don't have a doctor in Orlando. I felt so overwhelmed by the whole thought of getting one that during Friday morning Staff meeting I started crying. And I couldn't stop. But my God who has been faithful to me, was faithful to me again! By Friday night I had two appointments, one with a chiropractor and one with a doctor. And my mom was able to come up to help me with those!

Me rocking the dolphin hospital gown! I had to have x-rays done of my neck. 
So basically to make a very long long story much shorter, I have a pinched nerve in my neck and possibly a bulging disk. I am going to a chiropractor and let me just say it hurts. I didn't know how much my neck hurt until he started adjusting me. The pain has completely left my arm and is now in my neck where the problem is. I am having trouble sleeping and sometimes when I am at work my head hurts so badly that I want to throw up, but my God is faithful to me and I know He will see me through this :)

If you could keep me in your prayers that would be great! I would so appreciate it!

Even when a situation appears to be impossible,
Our work is to hope in God.
Our hope will not be in vain and in the Lord's own timing,
Help will come.
~George Muller 


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