June Update

Hello Everyone!

It has officially been forever since I blogged! Yay! So today here is update of all that I have been doing since June 1st!

I have been asked to me my sister's Maid of Honor! It is so exciting :) Her last name is going to be York and if you look in the box there are York peppermint patties. I love it! 

This was in my phone so I thought I would share it. This is my elbow..... I hit it so hard that it started to bleed. What did you hit it on? The light switch.... no you read that right.... the light switch. I mean HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THAT? I have some skill. Haha  It is all healed nicely now :) 
View of Tampa :) I was so excited to be there! As I got closer to the college I started to jump up and down in my seat! 

From the back of the room during one of Bethany Massey's sessions. This was with our second year Seniors (Students that have come for more than one year) We give them special classes that teach things like How to have an effective review time, teaching missions to kids, teaching children how to pray, etc. I was privileged to teach two of these classes.  Along with many other classes! 

There were 15 2nd Year Seniors the first week and 5 the next. The first week students were told me "Charissa! We should take a selfie!! You and all of us!" So this was the result :) Most of them and my eye!

Me and my sisters :) The one on the end is Carlie but all week long people were telling us that we looked like sisters :) My face is weird too.... but whatever! 

Laura and Ashley came to help me with Sing & Share on Thursday night (S&S is where we sing songs and share about what the Lord is teaching us or praising Him for things he has done) In addition to being awesome and play their instruments they also brought me food! :) Yay me! 

When I came home the first thing that happened to me is that my toilet exploded with water! I took off the top to make it stop running and the little white tube in the picture popped off and started spraying water everywhere!! It was CRAZY! I was covering the opening with my hands and yelling "Stop! Please stop!" while laughing hysterically. My neighbors probably think I am crazy. Haha

It is official.... I have finished 5 pounds of rice while I have been here. (with the help of others) It is a milestone though, because my parents gave me three huge bags of it! 

 That about sums up my life for the last couple of weeks, more things happened at CYIA and I am going to go over some of them in my newsletter that I hopefully will send out soon :) If you would like to get my newsletter you can leave a comment below or message me, I'd be happy to send you one!

I am doing very well :) I am tired and a little bit worn out but God is good!


  1. You're toilet has serious problems! I miss you girlfriend. <3



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