November Update - Oops it's super late! =O
First let's start with the obvious.... this update is exactly 12 days late. So to make up for this fact I have included pictures from the last 12 days! Yay! See what I've been up to below!
There were 69 pictures that I wanted to show you so I decided to put some of them into collages :)
I am thankful for my sister! The first day of November I was able to spend with her in Warrenton :) We went to St. Charles, MO and walked around - they had the cutest cobblestone streets and old buildings it was so much fun. It was also freezing for this Florida girl! So I had warm tea with my meal it was so great!
I'm thankful for rest! When I got home I worked three days then fell into a fit of sickness! I don't know how I got it but bronchitis took over my body! I was battling it for twelve days. On the left was my normal outfit that I wore. Long socks, soft pants, some t-shirt, and my hair out of my face. I had so much tea in that two week period. I also got to go to the doctor's twice! Dr. Albers is my favorite... haha One day I tried to go to the office and had to leave because I was so tired. Because I have restrictive lung disease getting bronchitis was not good. I was off of my inhalers completely but now I am back on them regularly. It stinks to not be able to breathe the way that I would like to! But I know it is all in God's hands and I was able to rest a LOT! He is so faithful to me :)
Thankful for friends <3 My first day back to work was the State Staff Meeting. CEF workers from around the state of Florida come to Orlando and have a big meeting to discuss different things like CYIA and Good News Club. That is when I stole Bethany Massey! Haha I told someone that I was kidnapping her. She is a CEF missionary as well and right now she will be going on staff in Lee and Charlotte County with the Southwest Chapter. If you didn't already figure this out I am a major people person - so imagine getting locked up in your room for 12 days. I was dying!!! Having her around was so great - she helped me at work and we made a video together. It was a good couple of days, then she drove back down to Naples with me!

It was overcast and rainy when we decided to go to the beach later. But Stephanie had fun! Brittany was able to come with us which added to us all having a great time. I will just admit it - I was having a horrible hair day - actually this whole week was just bad for my hair.....

I am so thankful for the people who helped us prepare the Bridal shower! Stephanie was wrapping the cupcakes while Andrew polished the silver teapot and Daddy made pinwheels and Sheryl helped make the cheese tray. It was an ordeal! So much food to prep and tables to set. But overall it was very nice! It went very well and several people told me how much they enjoyed coming :) Good Job mommy! You did a great job!
Thankful for my little cookie monster! She is so cute and so old now! We got to spend sometime together and I love these pictures because it kind of describes how we are when we are together! I love her so much!
I'm thankful for the cutest boy ever! Haha he is so sweet and before we came home (Stephanie, Andrew and I) He couldn't sleep! He was too excited! We got to have all the family come in and have a swim party at our Uncle's house. It was really fun!
Thankful for all the quality time I got with Stephanie and Andrew! The day of major wedding prep (also known as Monday) The top picture is before we left the house. We then went to find a cake! It took two stops before we actually found something that Andrew and Stephanie liked. :) The hat picture was in Target, Mom and Stephanie were looking for jewelry and Andrew had his hands full so I shoved a hat on his head - haha I am horrible! So we took a picture :) He is a good sport! Then we went to get Stephanie's hair done. I caught her right before she smiled and it kind of makes her look angry but she's not... haha This is before it was done ;)
You can't really see it but Kendra got a hole burned into the top of her ear.... I'm really thankful to the Lord it was only a little spot. We were practicing wedding hair on her and Emily and she bumped into the curling iron.... Let's just say that we didn't finish practicing.
I don't even remember what we were doing but I'm thankful for Kendra - She is so funny and smart and really creative. I love her silliness and ability to make me happy! K you are one of a kind!
THANKSGIVING! So fun! All the family got together and made a really great meal then we played cards together! It was a good day :)
I also was able to help my dad out by teaching on Sunday morning in HopeZone! It was so fun... Most of the kids I had never seen before and one little girl came up to me and said "WHO are you?" Haha. It felt good to be able to share the Gospel with the kids :)
Thankful for Office decorations! I was able to make the front area a little bit festive with a tiny Christmas tree and the garland :) It makes me happy! I also turned my door into a snowman!! Isn't he so cute!!!
My face looks a little bit weird but I think that is because this picture was taken at 7:30 this morning..... I don't know I could just have a weird looking face - haha! I am doing really well! Much better than I was earlier in the month. I am still dealing with some breathing issues and I am praying that I will be able to handle all that is coming up. Stephanie's wedding is in a month and we are also officially starting the next year of CYIA then too so it is going to be a busy time! Keep praying for me! I need it! We are in the most wonderful time of the year. I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to do this next month!
:) Yay for you if you made it to the bottom of the page!
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