
I get to work with kids. Enough said.

No really - think about how many people can say they have talked about Dr McStuffens today or teddy bears being made by God? How many people can say that they heard a group of kindergarten girls say Psalms 19:1 perfectly? Or watched a little girl open the Bible and start copying the Lord's prayer? Not many people. But I get to be one of those people that can say those things.

I am so privileged! SO so vastly privileged to be able to spend time with kids and be silly - to teach them about Jesus and watch them grow to love him. Have you heard a nine year old pray to God like he was their best friend? Or watched a first grader with perfect understanding pray a prayer admitting to God that he needs him to be his Savior?

It's amazing!

So many times though I get caught up in the little stuff... setting up club, studying a lesson, making daycare calls, research etc. I get lost in the monotony and lose sight of what a privilege it is to tell the little ones about Jesus! How special my job is because I get to see the change in their life from week to week.

So if I ever complain again about work or whatever I want to be reminded about the wonderful job I have of being an ambassador for Jesus.


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