Adventures in the Nightmare

I'm not a good adventurer. Adventures scare me. Newness alarms me. It causes me to panic... Which in turn causes me to lose focus on Jesus. I have such a hard time trusting him when I am afraid.
Adventures in controled enviroments I love! Being in Chicago this weekend, walking around the busy streets, knowing the plan, seeing the sights even walking around at night didn't phase me. But uncontrolled adventures.... My experience in Minneapolis with my flights not working out, my future, my support, my husband... They scare me. I'm afraid that I will choke. That the circumstances will overwhelm me and I won't be able to handle what's going on. It happens more often than not. So I become fearful. I become so afraid that I focus on everything around me forgetting to look to Jesus.

Jesus is the only one who has the power in the uncontrolled.

He is the only one who knows what the adventures hold. With him it can change from a nightmare to an adventure. Something exciting and good. I just have to trust him. Sigh. That is so much harder than it seems. SO MUCH HARDER!

So what is it that Jesus is calling you to have an adventure in, inspite of the nightmare?


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