Stuck in the Airport

Currently I am sitting in the airport. I have four hours until my plane leaves. Yes I am stranded here.

My first question at 9pm (an hour after my plane was supposed to leave) was Why me? My second question is What am I supposed to do as a response?

I'll be really honest. I'm freaked out.

All my plans very literally got rained out. Everything that was supposed to be set in stone just crumpled and as I sat for an hour and half talking to a stranger I could feel my heart start to race and my everything just freak out!

But Jesus hasn't left me. He's right here with me.

He's my Champion guys.... I can trust him.

I met two very nice people. Nate on the plane, and Maria in line. Both took care of me for the short time they were with me. I would have never talked to either of them if we weren't stuck on the plane together or in line.

With Nate I was able to talk to him about Jesus. As I spoke and (hopefully) demonstrated what a relationship with Jesus looks like, I pray that Jesus used it to be a seed that someone else can water.

I'm rambling.

Mostly because I'm exhausted and don't think I can sleep here with all these people on mats. I guess I just needed to reassure myself that Jesus is still with me. I needed to remind myself in a tangible way that he has not abandoned me. I'm.... I'm going to be okay. I'm going to be okay...

Yeah... I'm okay.


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