Mosquitoes and Anxiety

Mosquitoes love me.

This isn't a joke. I think I attract them or something. I can be sitting in a room with a dozen other people and they find me! I'll be the only one affected by the tiny terrors!

And I'm not someone who naturally ignores the bites.  I'm the kind of person that will scratch them until I bleed. They get big and ugly and itch more. Its the worst.

Anxiety is the same way. A small little thought that is irritating in the back of your mind. It lands on the places that Satan knows you fear.

If you're like me you will explore that thought and over think it. Until what you fear has actually come true - not because it was true but because the fear manifested into reality. And suddenly your has become a wound.

This revelation stunned me. Because I tend to treat my anxiety the same way I treat my mosquito bites.

The good thing is Jesus has been teaching me how to deal with mosquito bites and anxiety. I've stopped itching them so much. With the anxiety I just turn to him.

He always makes everything better.


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