He Calls Me Jewel: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was a day of feasting. A day I would normally spend inside because the people just get drunk and act on impulse rather than logic. But I came because Comfort dragged me here. Consequently, I sulk in the corner. 

I hate these gatherings. I complain in my mind as I watch Dignity make a fool of herself swinging around on Darkness’s arm. The fire at the middle of the assembly is large enough to light up the entire space as twilight falls on the city. 

Couples dance in a large ring around the enormous flame with complete abandon. I pull my arms tighter to my chest. Everyone just uses this as an excuse to act immorally. Even though everything has just started I know where the evening will end. Young people in the street sleeping, old men and women throwing up and the children neglected. 

I hate everything about these festivals. 

My eyes travel around the circle as I stand here with my arms crossed. I see my father, Fear, on the far side of the fire. He is a large intimidating man, with black hair and eyes, he doesn’t take no for an answer. It’s one of the reasons he’s the leader of our city, all the other men won’t stand up to him and anyone who has ever tried – well they haven’t lived very long after it. No one talks about it though, afraid they will be next.

His hand comes up to stroke his dark beard while nodding in agreement with whatever Pride is telling him. I roll my eyes. Pride needs to shut his mouth and keep his grubby hands in his pockets. My father listens to him, though I don’t know why. Pride is just out for himself. Tonight, he wears his most expensive garment and headdress to impress everyone – but I’m not impressed. 

There is a shift in the crowd on the right side of the circle and my gaze naturally drifts there. Several young people stand in a group. The girls are all dressed in bright colors signifying that they are available. Several young men are acting like foxes in a hen house as they weave throughout the group kissing hands and whispering sweet nothings. 

I shake my head, they don’t know now – but soon those girls will understand. All the young men are encouraged to take a wife at a young age to keep our city populated. It doesn't matter if there is love or respect in the relationship. Love isn't something we talk about in Legalism. I fight the urge to roll my eyes again. 

“Worthless!” I hear my name shouted from across the circle and see Comfort standing there.  I see his figure standing outside of the dancing circle near the food. He waves frantically and I shake my head. I won’t be dragged into anything else thank you. 

I focus my gaze back on the fire. I watch how the flames lick the sky as if trying to ignite it on fire. The stars seem abnormally bright tonight as I look at them. I sigh. 

A hand snakes around my waist, “What are you sighing about Worthless?” 

I shudder as I hear the hissing voice of Lust. I shake off his hand, “Nothing that concerns you, Lust.” 

He just smirks at me, “I bet you wish it did.” 

I roll my eyes and growl at him. No doubt Lust was the most attractive young man in the city – but I hate him with everything that is within me. He is known for seducing young girls and leaving them to the ridicule of the people. He did that with me. 

I hear Comfort calling again, “Worthless!” 

I make a sound of relief and quickly move away from Lust into the surrounding crowd. I push past people toward Comfort's waving hand when a dark figure blocks my way. My momentum pushes me straight into his chest and I look up into the face of Depression. 

“Worthless! How good to see you!” His hungry eyes lick up my face. I shudder before trying to smile. I step to the side to avoid this confrontation but he moves in my direct line of sight. 

I sigh and cross my arms, “Good to see you too, Depression.” 

Depression has been pinning over me for many months. He’s asked my father multiple times to have my hand in marriage but I have refused every attempt. I don’t love him. I don’t even remotely like him. I hope my pleasantries are done, but he offers me his hand.

“Care to dance?” 

I shake my head, “I’m not feeling well.” 

I look over my shoulder trying to find Lust’s sister, Jealousy. She will dance with anyone. But I see she is already out on the dance floor with someone else. I pause looking around. Not far from us is a small skinny girl with dark stringy hair that hangs down in her face. My eyes light up as I look at her.

“Maybe Self-Pity would want to dance with you,” I say gesturing to her on the bench.

I can tell she hears us by the way her face brightens as she looks at Depression. Depression seems to deflate when I suggest this, but he sighs and heads in her direction ignoring me. When I look over my shoulder I see Self-Pity smile brightly at me. I wink at her and continue toward Comfort. 

It is a task moving through the crowd of dancers. One young man took my hand and swung me around twice before I could release myself. When I’m finally near Comfort, he grabs my arm abruptly. 

“What took you so long?” I give him a harsh look and he releases my arm. “Sorry. It’s just I have to show you something!” 

I tilt my head as I look up at him, “What is it?” 

He shifts on both feet and he shakes his head, “No I have to show you.” 

I cross my arms and lift a questioning eyebrow. I will not be brought into any more schemes of his.  

He sighs, “Will you just trust me? Please…” 

I bite my lip. 

If I leave now and my father sees me, I know I will be in trouble two days from now – if he can remember. If I don’t leave, I will always wonder what it was that Comfort wanted to show me. The battle rages in my mind.

I turn my head and see that my father is still intently listening to Pride gab, so I nod slowly. I see Comfort tilt his head toward a narrow street leading out of the center of town. I catch the meaning and nod again. He starts to walk away and I follow at least five steps behind. 

Slowly, he leads me through the crowds of people surrounding the feast set out for our pleasure. No one even looks our way a second time. Everyone is gorging themselves on the meats, sweet things, and bread. Some stuff their faces with the delicacies like they will never eat again. I shake my head in disgust. 

As we move into the outer rings of the city the crowds get thinner and the noise starts to die away. 

“What are you doing Comfort? Why are you taking me out here?” I demand as I stomp behind him. I'm irritated that he is leading me out of the city. “Don’t you know that my father is going to be angry with us? I wouldn’t be surprised if he was his way to find me now. He promised he would burn my face in that fire one day if I wasn’t careful. Maybe that day is today!” I kick a stone with gusto as I say the last words. 

Comfort stops and I slam into the back of him. 

“Why did you stop?!” I scream then I follow his arm. 

He is pointing wordlessly toward the large wall that surrounds our city. I roll my eyes. The wall has been there my whole life. An immovable mass of stone and rock that protects us from the King of the World. 

Rage crawls up my spine, I risked Fear's anger for this?! I want to punch Comfort’s lights out, “You wanted to show me the wall!?” 

He shakes his head slowly continuing to point and stare. I grind my teeth together and come around him. I'm about to tell him exactly what I think of this game when I stop. My mouth drops open and my hands lie still at my sides. I gasp.

The gate that has been closed for thousands of years is open.


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