Morning thoughts :) more like afternoon.... :P

Lately I have been questioning whether I should be still and wait on God to supply all my needs or if I should move, step out in faith and support raise. I have felt so lost. As I was doing my devotions this morning I was using the YouVersion Bible app. I was trying to find a verse and I came across the verse of the day which is Micah 6:8 "He has  shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God."
The Lord speaks exactly when you need to hear it, doesn't He? I needed to read that this morning. I felt like He was saying to me,
         "I require you, to act justly, to treat other people with the mercy I have shown you and to just walk with me. Not to think you have it all figured out, or even to think that you can do this with out ME. But to believe that I have your best in mind and I will take care of you. Do what I have called you to do and I will take care of you. Even if you don't see the immediate results."

But it is so hard to just walk and not try to figure out everything! To leave everything in His hands and trust that He has got it all under control. Even though He has never failed me before. This is just something I am struggling through. But I have made my decision, I will walk with Him. No matter how difficult it is, with His help, I will try to follow Him.

Just some thoughts for you all this morning ;) Do you have any thoughts about this? What is the Lord teaching you through your devotions? I would love to know :)


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