May Update

I kind of liked the last update that I did by putting up all the pictures and telling the story behind the picture. So here it goes :)

 I got my CEF kit! Yay! So excited, the new visuals and lesson text are awesome! I am so looking forward to teaching this at CYIA this year :)

                         Pictured to the left is my friend Lindsay and the new addition to the family Jack! :) They came up to Orlando and picked up Jack and had enough time to stay for lunch with me. It was so much fun.

 Ok there is a story behind the picture on the right. My cousins who live in Ormond Beach were having a sleepover with a couple of their friends so Brittany and I went over and did facial masks with them... Yep! It was interesting!

Ormond Beach was beautiful in the morning! I got to do my devotions before heading back to Orlando on the 2nd.

Perfect photo op for my blog so I took it!  

 My cousin Brittany and I as we drove to SeaWorld! :) Yay! Love that place :)
 When we got home I thought my house smelled like dead fish. So I took out the trash and threw away some moldy things, but I couldn't find the source of the smell. Everything was in it's place and I didn't know where it was. Then I found it... it was a rotting potato..... I have no words. This is a picture of what it left behind ------>
There was an awful smell then after I threw it away there was bugs and this liquid stuff. It was bad.... So bad....
 Zoe Kiser, a girl who lives next door to me, came over and gave me this cupcake! It was so sweet of her! I loved it :)
 Before Esther came over to my house I spent a good hour or two cleaning this room and making it presentable. My room didn't even look this good when she came.
 Esther is from Nebraska so she had never seen a palm tree before. She said "It's like we are driving through a movie!" She got to see a lot of those during her stay with me! :)
 While she was down we got to go to work! We went down to Cape Coral to help with a pre-training for CYIA and also cut out all these visuals. I couldn't even fit all of them in the picture there where so many! All the visuals are for two of the classes that I will be teaching at CYIA. It was exhausting!
 We also got to go to the beach! Woohoo! We made it a point to visit both coasts before Esther went home. This picture was taken when we went to the East Coast.
 International Conference was very exciting! I had such a good time seeing all my favorite CEF workers and getting to meet people from 81 different countries. It was amazing to see how large the CEF family really is. God is good and he is doing great things in the ministry of CEF.
 Esther and I during one of the breaks :)
 I am sick again! :( It is no fun. I had a very bad fever at conference I was so cold I wore two pairs of socks.
 And a hoddie although it was like 77 outside. I was really very sick. I am still getting over it, so if you could pray for me that would be great!

 Once we got home we went to a very good BBQ place! It is called 4 Rivers Barbecue. It was delicious!
 Why do I have a mouse trap you ask? Because I have a mouse. Sad day..... It is the worst!! Sandy saw it on Saturday night right before we went to bed. Esther, Stephanie and I were all so afraid that we slept in the same bed. Having a mouse is the worst!
 Monday Stephanie took me to a Vietnamese restaurant. It was the very first time having Pho and Vietnamese Coffee ---->
The coffee is very strong. I had to wake up at 5:15 that morning and take Esther to the airport then I drove home that night from Naples and got back in Orlando at 1 in the morning and I was fine.... Haha that coffee works.

Monday night Lindsay graduated. So as a surprise to my family and her, Stephanie and I came down and were there :) It was so fun to see their faces when they saw us! Lindsay was speechless. Best surprise ever!

<------- This is a picture of the rat... I caught it. It is so disgusting I can't even.... When I found it, it was 11:30 at night and needless to say I couldn't sleep after that. It was horrible, because if you notice this isn't were I had the trap originally. So gross!!! I can't even believe that I caught one. This is the worst. Mr. Perdue came over though and got it for me.

My AC is fixed in my car! It was broken along with the muffler, so
I sounded like a hotrod coming down the road. It was quite humerous. 
Stephanie and I nicknamed my car the beef-mobile... haha 

I think that is all for now :
) maybe next time I will write about what the 
Lord has been teaching me. I almost forgot
! I am doing very well. 
A little bit overwhelmed but the Lord has been extremely faithful to me. 
God is good! 


  1. Awwww I made your blog! Miss you so much friend.



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