My Confession

I have something to confess.... No it isn't anything too bad. I am extremely prideful so this is hard for me to say but...

I don't have it all together! 

My life is far from perfect, my house is infested with roaches and mice, I don't cook for myself very often if at all (I would rather eat something out of a can or frozen bag because it's easier), my car breaks down every three months faithfully, I am stressed with all I have to do at work, and I am lonely.

Because I had so many people tell me in the beginning of my time living here in Orlando that I couldn't do this job, or I am too young to be living by myself, I've secretly wanted to prove them wrong. I wanted to show them that I can do this and rub it in their faces when I had success. All while keeping the humble facade. When I went back home for Lindsay's Graduation, I had this secret wish to appear to everyone that I had it all together. I wanted everyone to think that my life was turning out just the way that I planned it. That here in Orlando I was just skipping through daisies, my life was so great.

That's not true though. The truth is very simply this.... I can't do this. All those people were right, I personally can't do this job, or take care of this house or even myself, but I do have a God who can. If I am willing He will use me still and take care of it all, and everyone will know that it was all Him.
My God has been faithful to me, my God will be faithful again. 

Lord, I don't see what you're doing but I am willing to follow you.

Pictures of my second mouse :) I thought some of you would like to see my latest catch...

My baby mouse/rat that I caught....
It is very little compared to the big one I caught last time. 

I  actually took care of this one myself!
I had company over so I had to but I was so proud of myself! 


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