~ Stop wasting time ~

Today it struck me how much time I spend on the internet. Looking up things for work, stalking people on Facebook (come on, you know you do it too), pining things (for hours) on Pinterest and uploading pictures to Instagram, it takes up most of my day. 

Last night I spent a good amount of time cleaning my house. I vacuumed all the floors and I mopped the bathroom and Kitchen. Everywhere I turned there was a little project that didn't have to be done but should be done. I have an incomplete dollhouse sitting in my room waiting for someone to work on it and tons of little crafts to make my house into a home, yet instead of doing those things, I spend time updating my status or searching pins. There are a lot of really nice people at my church, but instead of trying my hardest to get to know them I am hiding away behind a screen trying to escape. 

The truth is, it has been really hard on me. This whole move, my new job, my new church, my car breaking down, the loneliness and the sadness of not going home. So instead of facing my fears, worries, mistakes and new experiences I try to escape, to just run away from my problems because it is so much easier! I do this many ways, reading books, watching movies and going on the internet. All of these mediums let me escape reality and spend some time elsewhere. 

Escaping isn’t necessarily bad, because face it we all need a break from reality at some point, it becomes a bad thing when you constantly do it. When all of a sudden,  you care less about spending time with people and more about getting away from them.

So today, May 7, 2014, and this being my 50th post, I am deciding to give up social media for two weeks. No facebook, pinterest or instagram. I have lived without it before and I will do it again! Haha I am making it sound like I am so holy because I am doing this. Not so. I just know that God couldn’t have put me on this earth, in Orlando so that I could become a world class stalker, or the most followed pinner, I know my  purpose is greater than that and  
I don’t want to waste time anymore.


  1. Wow, this post is so convicting! I know exactly how you are feeling and I am guilty way too many times of hiding behind my phone. I'm praying that these two weeks refresh you! I love you dear sister!


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