Health Update!

Hello! I thought I would update you on how my arm is coming along or really my neck since that is the problem.On the upside -  I have gone to the chiropractor for almost 3 weeks now and my neck is feeling a lot better! I have some problems during the night actually sleeping without it hurting but besides that I am on my way to being completely better! Yay me! Now for the not so popular down side..... I have been noticing that I have increasing pain in my lower back... Stink. So today the chiropractor is going to take x-rays of my back and see if anything is wrong.

To end on a positive note - My God is really providing for me. At the beginning of this whole process I wasn't sure how I was going to pay for it all... because let's face it I don't make that much being a missionary. But through it all I haven't had to worry about my finances, the Lord has just taken care of it so that I had enough money to pay for my treatment.
This is me icing the back of my neck during the last three weeks. Yes I look ridiculous.... I am. Haha :)  


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