The Wasp!

It's been too long since I have posted a story of something that happened to me. So buckle up here we go: The latest adventure of Charissa!

Today I walked into my office, it is a normal day, besides the fact that Michelle and Mr. Chuck are both out of the office this week, otherwise completely normal. I turned on everything that I needed to start work (like the printer and the wifi). I began my day like normal, open my laptop, turned off the answering machine and logged into my email. That's when I saw it...... a wasp.

It was trapped in the front area of our office. It seemed sleepy or something as it rested on the glass window that separated it from the outside world.  Unfortunately I knew that I had to kill it. Wasps are the worst, unlike bees which die after stinging you, wasps can repeat this offence more than once. I took off my shoe and crept closer to the window. As I got within three feet of it, I became paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move, I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing too. It was at this moment when I wondered how my dad could be so fearless.

So I did what any fearful 19 year old girl would do.... I ran away! I went into Michelle's office and closed the door, praying that when I opened it again the wasp would be dead. Then the next guilt tripping, thought came through my mind, "THE MAILMAN IS COMING!" What kind of Christian organization would let an innocent mailman get stung by a wasp that is lurking in the front office? I had to do something!

I gathered all my courage and strode out into the foyer with my shoe in hand. And then I saw it... it was sitting directly outside of this window.....

Again came the paralyzing fear, and I held the shoe up but I couldn't bring it down. The war in my mind was raging! Fear told me that I should just hide behind the desk and let the mailman deal with the wasp, my gut told me I needed just to have the courage to smash it and be done with it. The wasp wasn't flying it was just sitting there as the thoughts flew through my head. A thought came to me "Are you going to let this little tiny thing make you so fearful?" My shoe came down and the wasp died. I hit it once more just to make sure it was dead... haha.

This whole experience made me think about things in my life, how many times to I let fear keep me from doing what I needed to do? The truth is that fear is the same size as a wasp, but it can paralyze us into doing nothing about it. Don't keep the wasp in the room, do something about it.


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