Psalms Challenge

If I were to be honest with you and with myself I would have to say that I feel very blah today. Those of you who know what a blah day feels like, I don't need to explain, but to those who have blissfully never had one of these days I will try to explain. It is like you only got 5 hours of sleep, had to go to work and were expected to finish a report today before lunch. Along with all of that you are not hungry and have just a general sense of not knowing what to do with your life. That is the best I can do to explain how I feel today. The good thing is that God never has blah days. How cool is that? So we can always go to him when we don't know what to do and he always has an answer! Awesome! :) 

That is why today I am going to tell you the challenge I have accepted. I am going to (Lord willing!) read through the entire book of Psalms every month through the end of the year. The Psalmists had some pretty blah days, days when he was angry, days when he was sad, days that just didn't make sense and days that all he wanted to do was praise God. I can relate :) 

How are you going to do this Charissa?

I'm glad you asked! =P I learned from a very wise lady that you can read through the entire book of Psalms in 30 days by doing 5 Psalms a day. Instead of reading them numerically (which you could do) she suggested reading them 30 Psalms apart. So here is an example: Today is the fourth so I read today Psalms 4, 34, 64, 94 & 124. It is amazing to me how God has used each days Psalms to speak to my heart and encourage me. 

Will you join me? I am excited to see how the Lord will use this in my life during these next days!


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