October Update

I can't believe it is the 23rd already! It seems like this month has been flying by!

 GUIDE Retreat!

The compilation of my entire trip! The road trip up was very fun (top & bottom middle). But there is a story that goes along with the tire picture. It is ten o'clock at night.... we are all winding down and starting to fall asleep. As I rest my head on the back of the seat I feel my face start to vibrate. It is slow at first but as we continue to travel my face starts going numb... when things go numb they start to itch. My nose itched so badly I slowly rubbed my face to keep it from going completely numb.  Pretty soon I was furiously scrubbing my face, to stop the itching! Around 3 in the morning the right back tire of the van blew out. Right outside of Atalanta GA, we were on the side of the road fixing a tire. Praise the Lord that Mark had another man Mike with him to help with that. After we put on a spare the ride was completely smooth! While we were at GUIDE I got to see many of my dear CEF friends including Esther! It was so fun. I also got to bring one of my new friends Kahlan from Orlando with me. Over 100 people came to the GUIDE Retreat, with Florida bring the largest group. I was able to help in the sound booth, as well as be a small group leader. On the way back we didn't experience any problems with our vehicle. Praise God! Elin and I tried to take a picture but it miserably failed! Haha! It was a good weekend!

Guess what?! I crochet that hat ^^^^^ I am so proud of myself, because I actually followed a pattern! For Stephanie's wedding I will be making the boutonnieres, the top picture is what they will look like :) I recently put together pictures from my family's visit and made it into a magnet it was really fun. And lastly it is my craft box that I made. It is has chalkboard  paint on it so it can be reusable! Yay me!

Kahlan's Birthday <3

My beautiful friend Kahlan had a birthday! We went out to this very nice restaurant for her. Everything was served tapas style - like a bunch of appetizers. It was very fun! Cafe TuTu Tango also hosted local art everywhere. Some of the paintings were beautiful!

Leu Gardens 
  This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Leu Gardens! It is only 5 minutes from my house and I can't believe that I didn't go before now! It was a beautiful day not to hot and it was lovely to walk around and see God's creation.

My very first CYIA meeting!
Last Sunday night was my very first CYIA meeting with the Central Florida chapter! It was so good to see all of them and we had a great time together. At first we sat around a huge table and I asked questions like 'What is your favorite color?' and everyone went around answering. Then we sang a few songs and I gave a short devotional. Then we played games for the remainder of the evening. When we took this picture, the first time Tina blinked! So we had to take it again :)

Good News Club! 
As a part of my job I attend a Good News Club every week. This Monday I taught about Adam and Eve's sin. CEF has incorporated small groups into the curriculum and in our club it is working very nicely. The children are able to have their questions answered and this week we talked about how they can say no to sin.

I made soup!
So funny story.... About Cooking Chaos with Charissa! So I started to make soup..... just like the recipe told me too. But a small problem came up.... I don't have a big enough pot to cook soup! So I ended up having to use two smaller pans then combining them at the end in the crockpot. It was crazy! I felt so proud of myself that I posted a picture on Instagram and told people "Be proud of me! I made Soup!" It was a good day! :)

Random Pictures 
Top Left: I taught in a Good News Club training. It went very well.  I have to say with all these training that I am doing I am getting a lot of experience!
Top Right: The sunset... or sunrise of that day of training. Yes I was driving and got to see both!
Bottom Left: I dropped my phone. It was the saddest day ever! The back shattered into a million pieces! Luckily it still works.... but it is still a bummer.
Bottom Right: A pretty leaf and I found placed in my Bible. I added it because it was pretty... I'm a girl what can I say?

This is from this morning! I just decided to take a random picture of myself not even realizing that was update day! I am doing much better. God is so faithful to me. My health is still dragging a little, I am still coughing and I have some trouble singing, which makes me very sad. Please be praying that this all fixes itself. I have gotten so many prescriptions from Target that they are giving me a discount on my next one. I am getting tired of being sick all the time..... it is getting to the point where I don't even remember what it feels like to be well.

That's all for this month! :)


  1. I miss you so much! It was so great getting to see you in October, even if it was just for a tiny bit. Can't wait to spend several days with you in January! Love you <3

    1. I miss you too!! I am so looking forward to January! :) It is going to be so great! Love you too!


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