September Update!

Ok.... so this update is super late.... like super duper late. I apologize, my life was very busy until this moment right now. So here it is world! What I have been doing in the month of September!

I got my ears pierced! 

I have taught two Teaching Children Effectively 1
courses in the last two months. The second one just
ended yesterday. I love teaching the classes but they are
Bought this cute little owl to add to my living
room :)

While I was in Sarasota, I left my head lights on
when I came out my car was completely dead!
I was able to figure out how to jump my car
with the help of my dear friend Jessica. It was
an adventure for sure! 
This is me.... stuck in traffic on I-95
heading toward Miami. It was crazy!

Beautiful Miami! 

This is a picture of a Venti
Starbucks Frappicino. I was so
tired on my trip down that I drank
one of these in 10 mins. Needless
to say I was very hyper. haha 

Kahlan, Noelle and I on the west coast beach!
I love the sand and the water over there it is
so beautiful!
We were able to stay and watch the
sunset together. It was a beautiful night!

Wedding manicures and pedicures! 
Little Levi looking adorable! I loved spending
time with him and holding him as we got ready for the wedding :) 
Jessica was a beautiful bride. It was a lovely wedding and reception.
Guys... it's happening.... everyone I know is growing up! 

I was a crazy person. Shocker I know...
haha. After the hectic wedding weekend, I said that I would teach the two's and threes at church. This was the result. That day was an interesting day. By the end of class all the children were listening to the music and playing all the instruments. It was a good day and I picked up all the cups! 

When I first came into the office
this is what I saw! Thanks Michelle!
Even Google knew what day it was :)
Michelle took me to FireHouse Subs for the first time.
It was very good! 

One of the cupcakes on a mound of the confetti.
It was delicious 
Pink Lemonade Cupcake. Can you say awesome?! Sandy and Zoe
helped me celebrate my birthday with some more sugar! I love it! 

My lovely sissies! (Most of them anyway) It was so great to see them! I can't believe how grown up everyone is! Last weekend we spent a lot of time at the pool and played games together, it was so great having them here. 

This is not really good lighting but
this is an owl cookie jar that Kendra got me!
It is so cute!!! I  absolutely love it! 

What are these you ask? They are glitter pills.
GLITTER PILLS! Yay!!! I showed Kendra a pin
on pintrest that talked about having glitter pills to
brighten up your day and she made me some! She is so sweet! 
Me and the munchkins!

My beautiful birthday cake. It looks better than the frosting tastes...
I have no one to blame though because I picked it out myself .

We got to play tennis together ! Kendra and I vs.
Mom and Emily.... Kendra and I lost.... haha 

So how am I doing you ask? To tell you the truth not too good. I really miss my family. Being with them the weekend has really opened my eyes to how much I am missing in their lives. Especially with the younger kids. I didn't realize that both Daniel and Alisha had learned how to swim. When I left them I was crying so hard I couldn't see and I cried the whole  way home (which was about thirty minutes.) Some part of me wanted to convince myself that during the last 9 months it would be just easier if I pretended like it didn't matter if I was with them or not. But it does. On another note my coughing has increased and I am finding myself weak by small exertions. The doctor has me on two different inhalers and an allergen. She was kind of baffled when I went in to see her last so I don't know what is going on. 

Through it all though God is faithful to me and I know I can trust him to take care of me in every situation that I go through. Honestly my being sick doesn't surprise God. He already knew about it before I even went to the doctor so I can trust him to take care of me. 
Would you pray for me? I am in desperate need of prayers! 


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