I'll Make A Deal With You.

Too often Christians settle for something less.

We have the real deal. The man of our dreams, completer of our souls, our other half, Jesus. He is ours and we are his. But we throw it away.  All the holiness, all the joy, all the peace, we throw it away. And we try to trade our heavenly inheritance for worthless good.

"I'll make a deal with you! I'll give you my lips, which are meant to glorify God and I will take the acceptance of people." Only to find out that your lips are now defiled for Gods use and people still don't accept you.

"I'll make a deal with you! I'll give you my puirty, which God has set a part for him, and I will take the shame that replaces it." Only to find out that your purity is not appreciated or valued but scorned and ridiculed, just for you to be weighed down by guilt and shame that you can't replace.

"I'll make a deal with you! I'll give you my holiness, which Jesus bought for me on the cross with his blood, and I will take pleasure." Only to find out that your holiness is squandered and the pleasure was fleeting. Here one second and gone the next.

"I'll make a deal with you! I'll watch the movies, sing the songs and support the people who demote godly ideas and cruse his name, for the entertainment it brings. What's the sacrifice?" Only to find out that the images and music stay with you long after the few minutes of entertainment they bring.

 This is a pattern that can be seen throughout time. People sell things when they think they can get something better. They make deals with crooks and liars because they are sure, that this time they won't be conned. But that's not how it works. Because we know something about the one who promises the world but never delivers. Satan is the father of lies. He wants to destroy you. His desire is for your ultimate demise. So he will gladly sell you the world, but it will cost you your heavenly inheritance.

I know I have already spent a pretty penny of what Jesus has given me on the world. I cry thinking of it. Because how much does it take for me to realize that what Jesus did on the cross was the most valuable thing I could receive? How much? Does it take failing over and over and over again? Does it take sinning in my heart and mind? Lord I pray not!! I pray not.

 But in his goodness... I can see it. He restores completely what is stolen. He heals what has been hurt. He fixes everything that is broken. And even though the world makes deals with us... His chosen, special people, He still loves us. He still wants you and He wants me. And He doesn't look at where we've been or how far we've fallen.

He looks at us and He sees Jesus. He sees His Son. He sees His perfect spotless Son in you and me. People who scorn every good gift he ever gives. People who trod on his name so shamelessly, professing with our lips to be his children then acting like vagabonds with the world.

 I can't fathom it. I can't wrap my brain around it. It doesn't make sense to me. And I guess that's a good thing. Its a good thing because I'm sure if I did it wouldn't be God. I could write for a really long time on this. I won't but I have to leave you with something to chew on.

What is it or where is it in your life that you are making a deal with the world? What are you going to do about it?


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