The Day You Were Chosen...

So for a minute let's think about the day you were chosen...


The day the you were handpicked by the the King of Kings. The day when God called all of heaven to watch as he pulled back the curtains on your life and said "Watch!"

All of heaven, the angels and the saints gathered in one place to watch the greatest miracle take place. With batted breath the angels watch the Holy Spirit do what he does best... Save. Chose. Restore.

And then it happens... God says, "That one's mine..."

He looked down at me in 2006, and said "You see that one... The one, nine rows back that isn't paying attention. You see her? She's the one who is upset that she had to come. She's the one whose a little crazy and obnoxious. Just wait - I'm going to chose her."

I'm sure that if they could doubt God they did on that day in June as they saw twelve year old me sitting with my arms crossed.

Why would you choose that one? The one who so obviously hates you or at least extremely dislikes you. What are you thinking God?

And to that He says "Just wait." So the angels do. They wait and then they see me move as I am drawn to the alter and consequently to my knees. Crying as I don't do a thing but wait there. And that's when He chooses me.

"Beloved. Friend of God. Chosen. Wanted. Loved. Valued at the high cost of my blood. This one. Yep. This one. I choose her."

The thing is from the day that God chose you he never stops choosing you. Never a day goes by when he decides that the you he picked so long ago was a mistake. He never wants a redo, or another try. Never says, "I'm sorry that I chose you. I should have chose that other guy."


He's not like that. Everyday He is eager and excited that you are the one that he chooses.

But what about me?

How many days do I choose him?

How many days do I turn and say, "God thank you for choosing me. And just to prove it, not because you need me to but because I love you, I'm going to do this day for you..."?

I'll tell you... Not many.

Certainly never enough.

I don't think anyone can, thank and praise him enough for all that He's done. Sigh. But the crazy thing is I hear him whisper, "Its enough."


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