Meeting with the Enemy

As I was sitting in the airport once again, I opened my Bible to Nehemiah 6. This chapter Nehemiah is already building the wall around Jerusalem and is almost finished. The first part of the chapter says the only thing left was the gates.

Because of this, the enemies of the Israelites wanted to sow fear into the people to get them to stop what God was doing. So they contacted Nehemiah and asked for a meeting with him.

This was his reply:

And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?”
Nehemiah 6:3

This happened four times.

Nehemiah refused to meet with the enemy. He refused to stop doing what God had told him to do and talk to people who wished to harm him.

I began to think about my life.

How many times, a day even, do I meet with the enemy?

How many times do I set aside what God is clearly saying to me and pick up fear? How many times do I stop the work and begin to doubt?

More often than I'd like to admit, I find myself in a meeting with the enemy. Even if it is only a few minutes. A few thoughts, just a little fear. Blah.

But it all keeps me from what God wants to accomplish in and through me.

I stop what God has said because of fear. I pause in pursuit of Him because of the lies tickling the back of my brain.

Jesus has been telling me today, "Its time to stop meeting with the enemy."

What about you? Do you have meetings with thoughts of fear and doubt? Jesus is so much bigger than that. I believe He is well able to help me to stop this bad habit. Praise God I can go to Him and be set free. Praise God!


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