The Darkest Of Ages Are Done

I have been listening to Christmas music. (Don't judge me! Haha) Hillsong's new Christmas album is amazing! There is one line in the song "When I think about Christmas" that is on replay in my mind.

It says, "Now the darkest of ages are done."

As I have been thinking on this my heart clings to those words, because they are so true! The darkest ages have past because the Light of the World has come!

Nothing that happens in this world can counteract the fact that Jesus has come and he brings with him unending hope. Without the hope of Jesus and his grace, what a dark world we would live in.

Imagine living when there was just a promise of redemption? There is hope in the promise, but natural eyes seek proof. Before Jesus there was just a promise, a glorious hope in what would come.

Now we live in unending hope! We have been forgiven, have a promised home in heaven, look expectantly for Jesus to come again! What a bright and beautiful life we live!

When I think about the Light of the World coming, I can't help bit think, I can't have a bad day. Not when before Jesus was so much worse! There is a light in my life that goes beyond what happens in the physical realm. A light that cuts out all the darkness.

His name is Jesus.

I'm so excited about celebrating the Light of the World's entrance. What a glorious time!

Happy November everyone! Yay Jesus!


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