January Update!

Currently I am sitting in my new office writing this update :) It is kind of exciting to be able to say "my" office. This month has gone by so quickly, the first half of the month was spent trying to get ready for the big move that happened last weekend. During that time I was also working from home, calling last year's CYIA students and trying to reconnect with them.

As to what has been happening in Orlando, this is my third day at work. Whoo! Whoo! I have started to get in contact with past summer missionaries and invite them to be a part of our Alumni group which is exciting. Actually tomorrow, I am having a meeting with some people to discuss the direction we want the Alumni Group to go. It is very exciting! Everything is very different from when I was home, now I wake up at 6:45 everyday, make my own lunch and bring it with me, then I sit at a desk for the next 7 1/2 hours. When I get home the whole day is gone and I have a few hours until I can go to sleep and do it again. (Just between you and me, being an adult is not all its cracked up to be) Another exciting tidbit, next month I will be doing ministry presentations for a couple of churches, which I am very excited about. I will be able to talk to people about CYIA a ministry that I am extremely passionate about. It's gonna be great!

Because I am living alone, I find myself talking to myself all the time. I talk to myself in the car, at work, at home..... it is super weird. Just this morning I started to laugh at my own joke...... I am getting to be pathetic. I need to find friends quickly! Before I go insane!! Just kidding ;) Seriously, though I do need some Christian friends who can hangout with me so I won't be so lonely.

Talking about Christians, that leads to church! I still haven't found a church to go to. I haven't been here long enough I guess, but I thought I would let you know. Something you can be praying for me about, good christian friends and a good church :)

Today I forgot my lunch, which was exciting. The Lord is good though because I left my lunch from yesterday here! So I am not starving.  Random fact of the day, my office smells like spray paint. It is very confusing because nobody is using spray paint anywhere and I'm not. So I'm confused and getting slightly light headed.

I am doing surprisingly well. I thought I would be extremely sad and lonely up here without my family, but it's not as extreme as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because I know that they are only 4 hours away and I will get to see them often, or maybe it's because I know that the Lord is truly taking care of me. Whatever the reason, I am very thankful for it. Also I think I cried enough the week before coming up here and on Sunday to last me for a while. Hahaha.

I know this was really long, but thank you for reading it if you did. I am going to make up for all the gibberish by putting tons of pictures of my new home and office!!

This is the sign right outside of our office :) 

My office! There was a lot of things from the person who was in it previously so I got to clean and throw things away! Throwing away is one of my favorites!

Four rooms in my new house, this is excluding the kitchen and dinning room. Maybe next month I will post pictures of how I decorate :) 
Funny story... I took this picture so that I could remember that today there was frost on my windshield.

Then I realized that there was FROST on my windshield... and I would have to scrape it or drive like a blind person.

So using my Starbucks gift card I went to town and scraped most of it off. Haha I'm from Florida what can I say! 

My nightstand in my room! I thought it looked pretty so I took a picture :) 

That's all for now! :)


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