When I am weak, He is STRONG

I started working last Thursday! So right now I am sitting at my desk in my room in Naples, writing emails to all our past summer missionaries. Pretty soon I am going to be calling some of them that don't have email addresses. I must tell you a secret though.... I am deathly afraid of talking on the phone. I don't know what it is about the phone that just scares me. Send me into a crowd and tell me to talk to each person, I might be a little nervous but I'm not afraid. Tell me to email everyone you know and it wouldn't bother me that much. But if I have to call people.... let's just say I stop breathing as it is ringing. Then when someone answers I go into hyper-speed talking. Yesterday my Pastor was talking about being faithful in the small things. That includes calling CYIA teens and asking them how they are doing. I just have to remember that when I feel weak that He is made strong. That is the best/worst place to be... best because it is awesome knowing that the Lord has it all under control... worst because nobody wants to openly admit they don't have control of the situation. 

So here I am openly admitting I don't have control, I don't know how the phone calls are going to turn out, but that is ok. Because my God is big enough to handle it and He will be made strong. I can't do this without Him, honestly I don't want to. Lord, help me to do this today! 


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