Our Awesome God

It has been exactly one week since I have started working here in the office. (I told myself I wouldn't blog on little anniversaries like this because personally I think that is weird.) So here I am being like all the weird people because I need to tell you something.

My God is taking care of me. Throughout this one week.... when I needed to go to a new job my very first day.... when I had to talk to people on the phone.... when I almost got into a car accident.... when I had to spend a Saturday alone.... when I had to go to a new church by myself.... when I had to get up on Monday.... when my car died in the middle of the street.... My God was looking out for me and taking care of me.

Can we just all take a moment and thank God for how awesome He is?!?! If you think about all the different things that God Almighty has to take care of. All of the things that He has to do on a daily basis and yet He stops and He thinks "I need to take care of Charissa's car for her. I need to be there when she wakes up so she isn't alone. I need to keep her safe while she is on the road. I need to guide her to what I want her to do today. I love her."
I don't know about you, but that makes me cry. To know that He cares so deeply for me that He would not only die for me, but He would sacrifice part of His day to spend it with me. All I can say is Wow. Just wow. What an amazing God He is!!! Doesn't he deserve my whole life! Who am I to keep anything back from Him?

I know He is Omnipotent, but not only is He already there, He wants to be there. The greatness of His majesty! How awesome is He?!?

I could probably go on for a long time about this. Today just stop. Think of how much God has done for you, today, this hour, this minute and thank Him for it. We can never thank Him enough for all that He has done for us. We could never use enough words or works to pay Him back, and He doesn't want us to. He just wants you to love Him and give Him your entire life. I don't know about you, but that's what I am going to do.


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