Home sweet home!

Right now I am traveling home! I am so excited about seeing people that I haven't seen in 3 months. It seems like forever! When I think about going home, I also think about what it will be like to go home forever... Not to earthly home but to the home that God is preparing for us.

All this week I've been thinking and longing and waiting to go home thinking about what I would do, how I would act, and what I would say to different people when I got there. And it struck me just now then it should be that same way with us, longing to go to heaven. We should be looking forward to, with anticipation, going to heaven and being able to see and talk to Jesus.  So many times I think we take for granted this life and the people who are here and we take for granted that we will always see them. That'll be right there where we left them. We need to realize that every moment is a gift. So many times we think that we have more than enough time before we die and we miss the moment that we have to impact someone for Christ...

Tonight I had a wonderful opportunity of talking to a youth group about not just sitting around and waiting for something to knock on their door but to step out and put there faith in action. One of these ways could be to doing Christian Youth in Action. I am praying that they take what the Lord had to say to them to heart. That they don't let the moment, of their youth pass by, because it does fly by. I think as a teenager, we spend more time wishing we would grow up instead of savoring the time that God has given us in our teenage years to make a difference.

As excited as I am about going home about seeing my family and talking to people about this life, I am more excited about my Heavenly Father. In heaven, seeing him one day and joining him in my forever home. I don't know about you but I don't want to go there alone. I don't want to go knowing that I had no impact whatsoever on the people around me, that I lived like I had all the time in the world. I want to go and be able to stand before Him and say did I did everything that I could to make sure that the people in my influence were there with me. The joy right now that I'm feeling about going home is nothing compared to the joy that I'll have going home to be forever with God.

We're crazy to think that it's all going to just be the same because its not. Its not going to always be this way. We have an opportunity speak into the lives of children of boys and girls you need to know about the Lord, we have the opportunity but how many times do we actually take it?

Don't wait! Don't wait for the perfect opportunity to share your faith or to let someone know that Jesus loves them. You need to tell them they are worth something to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, tell them they have a purpose and meaning. And even if it's just one one person that hears from you that God loves them, that they have hope, then your life has achieved something bigger than yourself. You have a purpose greater than you. Take the opportunity to realize that today.

I pray that I will not only say these words but that I'll strive to live them out every single day. Because what the King of Kings has done for me is more than I can ever repay. The very least that I can do for him is to tell someone, anyone, about him.


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