If You Say Go ~

I found my new theme song this morning. :) I feel like this song is saying exactly what I am saying to the Lord. Listen to it here :)

If You say go ~ 
If you say go, we will go
If you say wait we will wait 
If you say step out on the water
and they say it can't be done
We will fix our eyes on you and we will come

You ways are higher than our ways
The plans that You have laid are good and true
If you bring us to the fire
You will not withdraw your hand
We will gaze into the flames and look for you. 

Your question might be, "Charissa, how can a song with so little words mean so much to you?" It is simple. This is the constant cry of my heart....... to follow Him with everything that I am holding nothing back from Him. Even when people tell me that I can't because it is impossible. I am finding that I care too much about the praises of men and what people think of me. Not that we should just throw it to the wayside completely, there is a healthy balance. Unfortunately for me, I do not have that yet. If it was a scale it would be heavily leaning toward the praises of men side. This is a missionary song and it inspires me, this is how I want to be. I hope it does for you too :) 


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