March Update =P

I am super confused. Word just told me that I was spelling color wrong. It said that it was c-o-l-o-u-r and Google is telling me that it is spelled c-o-l-o-r. I am so confused. I also have been using the British way of saying spelled. Yes, spelt. Forever I thought that was the correct usage.............. I have been doing it wrong forever. I feel like my whole life was a lie. (Not really, I am just being over dramatic.) Ok, on with the Update!

March is kind of fantastical because it includes not only St. Patrick's day (which I ended up getting pinched multiple times) but the 1st day of Spring!! I saw so many selfies on the first day of Spring. It was like everyone needed to tell everyone else that it was finally spring. :) 

What I've been up to :) 
An update! An update! What have I been doing.............. Well, the first week of this month I was in Gainesville Florida. I promoted for CYIA, I must have talked to over 400 people that week about the ministry of CYIA. I went to 6 Christian school chapels and spoke at two different churches. It was really neat to see that some teens were actually interested in what I had to say. That week I saw the hand of God move and speak through me as I spoke. IT WAS AWESOME! haha.

Confession session: One day while I was in Gainesville, I wore sandals. What is wrong with sandals you ask? It was 44 degrees outside. yeah...... My feet were freezing all day! It was the most stupidest thing I did in Gainesville. So needless to say, I got a cold. By Saturday I was sneezing and my nose what running, on Monday night it had moved to coughing. So I felt miserable all week long. I was very silly though, because I have never worked in an office before, instead of just calling in sick on Tuesday and taking time to get better, I went in to work. Yay! Ok funny story.....I just realized most of my funny stories contain me doing something really dumb. Haha! Here we go.

Lemon juice
My mom knew I was sick so she told me "Charissa you should really get some lemon and honey and drink it. It will help you feel better." I had been gone the previous week and felt so crummy that week all I wanted to do was go to sleep. But I was running out of food. So one day after work I went to Publix and bought some groceries. I remembered to get lemon and honey too so I could drink it. 
Ladies and Gentlemen.... the lemon juice is from concentrate. Keep that in mind, it is useful information for our story. So I go home, half dazed by the tiredness sweeping through my brain, and put away all the groceries, except the lemon and honey. I pull down my new Wordless Book mug and filled it halfway full with lemon juice. Thinking that the honey would kill the healing power of the lemons, I only added a little bit. Then I proceeded to fill the rest with water and heat it up. After a minute of cooking in the microwave, I was ready to drink this healing tonic. The smell alone could kill a fly a mile away... My first thought was "I'm supposed to drink this?" I took a swig, it was so sour and so gross, I shook my head. Was my mom trying to kill me? I couldn't do it, but I talked myself into taking another drink and adding more water. By the time the mug was a quarter of the way full I couldn't do it. I had to throw it away. 

I now know what it is like to drink pretty straight lemon juice. Gross. Just gross. I also know that I did it wrong. It is supposed to be a cup of hot water with a little lemon juice and honey. I was pretty sick, my judgement was way off. Haha!  

When I got back from Gainesville I was really sick for a week, I am still getting over it a little, I still have the lingering cough. I have also been working on a CYIA Alumni Newsletter and teacher training course for April, which is only a week away! Ahhh! Also I have been deeply involved with getting a CYIA retreat planned. We are going to have a meeting soon to discuss what our next step will be in planning the retreat. CYIA is less than 80 days away. It is flying toward us and I am so excited about it. 

How I'm doing
I am doing really well. I am not as lonely as I used to be. I still haven't made very many friends, but I am finding that I don't need friends to be complete. Jesus makes me complete and in Him I am whole. It is really freeing to know that. 

I think that is all :) Until next months update! 


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