Verse of the week: Come

I'm back!! :) Yay!

Matthew 14:28-29
And Peter said to him, "Lord, if it is you, 
command me to come to you on the water." 
He said "Come." 

Imagine being on the water during a storm. You think that the boat is going to fill up with water and that you are going to drown. The waves keep crashing into the boat and the lighting and thunder make it impossible to not be afraid. But to top it off you see a figure coming toward you. Not in the boat where your friends are but on the water. Not IN the water... ON the water. First logical thought is "GHOST! DEMON! SOMETHING NOT OF THIS WORLD" Fear is a level 10 right now and all of a sudden you realize you know said ghost. Most people at this point would just continue to survive but not Peter - he wants to test the genuineness of the figure. Is it Jesus? So he challenges it. Call me to come to you. Good idea. But the figures says "Come." 

At this point in all of our lives we have to chose - do we trust the strange figure on the water who is doing the impossible or do we stay in the boat trying to survive? Storms make it impossible to not be afraid. They are so huge, overwhelming that you have to struggle to survive to stay afloat. Not many of us would be willing to leave the boat believing that it won't sink while we are gallivanting on the tops of the waves.

 "If I'm not here to bail the water and man the sail and row the boat - then it is just going to sink," I reason. But that's not true. Because there is a man out on the water that I know - and he is calling me. He is saying "Come. Leave the situation and come to me." But I'm afraid. If I leave - I may die. If I stay though - I may die. 

This is where I am in my life. Stuck between two hard places and trying to make sense of them all. But my challenge this week is going to be to follow Jesus. To do what he wants me to do even though I might be afraid and I might be risking my life (figuratively) to do what he is calling me to do. It's hard to follow Jesus. It really is. Pray for me. I need it. 


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