Nighttime thoughts :)

Honestly I don't know what I want to write tonight. My heart is just so full of thankfulness and gratitude for Jesus. He could have chosen anyone else.... he could have decided that I wasn't the best fit for this job or my family - he could have easily given up on me when I ran away or when I failed. But he didn't. He stuck with me. Choosing never to abandon me or give up on the idea of me even when I deserved it.

I was reading John 15 today - Where Jesus is speaking to his disciples right before his death trying to encourage them to continue to follow him, to abide in him always. He explains that the reason he is telling them all this is so "My  joy may be in you and your joy may be complete." I don't know about you but I want Jesus to find his joy in me. After all he's done for me how could I do anything less for him?

Part of me feels like I am wearing out this topic - that I just keep reiterating myself over and over. But I don't honestly believe that I can declare enough the majesty of Jesus. I don't think I can tell everyone loud enough what he's done for me. I don't think I can express my love any more than he's done for me.

I don't think that if he was in the flesh with us that we'd treat him the way that we do. With little respect and little loyalty. I think that we would honor him.... so why can't we do it now? Where in my life do I disrespect Jesus? Maybe without even knowing? Where in my life do I pretend that he isn't real? Where in my life do I expect him to be my genie in a bottle? Where in my life do I act like he isn't the Lord of Lords and King of Kings?

If there is anything in me that goes against you, Lord please change me. Because I realize what price you paid. I realize I am nothing without you. I realize without you there is no hope.


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