You Are Enough

I have this bracelet that says, "You Are Enough" in big bold letters. Its supposed to be an encouragement to me, a reminder of my worth.

But lately.... All I can see is how I am not enough.

I'm not enough to help my family.
I'm not enough to please everyone at work.
I'm not enough to show love to people.
I'm not enough. Period.

I find myself running short in all areas of life. Not being able to control circumstances or people. Allowing myself and other to be hurt because of stupid people. Allowing it because I can't stop it.

Trust me, I've tried!

If its one thing I know its this, I will try my best to control every situation. EVERYTHING.

My stick is always short, the glass always half full. And honestly it sucks.

But I have this hope. In the middle of the inadequacy of my life, Jesus is enough.

He has always been enough.
He will always be enough.

He knows everything and holds it in his hand. He has everything worked out so perfectly and I don't have to know how the story ends. Praise the Lord!

I hate that but it also is comforting.

Guys, life right now is hard. But Jesus is enough.
My family is fighting, Jesus is enough.
I don't feel loved or appreciated, Jesus is enough.
I am hurting, Jesus is enough.
I am sad, Jesus is enough.

Whatever the season or time... Jesus is enough for me.

So I'll still wear the bracelet... To remind me that HE is enough for me.

Jesus you are enough for me. You are enough.


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