Confession Session: I get irritated

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 KJV

When I saw that this was the verse of the day I sort of laughed. I know this verse very well. I have taught many children what this verse means. I know this verse.

Little did I know that tonight I would need to practice this verse in a very practical way.

I got irritated.

That led to me running my mouth. Then complaining. Then sulking in the corner. Then frustrated.

Now that I replay it I sound like a two year old. But I need this humble reminder. I need Jesus to save me too.

When I got home I knew I had to ask people to forgive me and confess. That's when this verse came up in front of me again!

I laughed. How ironic that the verse of the day would be what I needed to practice today? I guess it isnt ironic at all, its just Jesus.

Praise God.


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