The Lifter of My Head

When I get discouraged, oh buddy, I am discouraged. It is a horrible cycle, like most things are when you choose to agree with Satan.

It starts as a thought, then slowly progresses into actions and moves into a lifestyle. When this starts to happen, I normally recognize it about the time I start acting upon my discouragement. By that time, I am so sad and sometimes depressed, that I feel bad.

I try different things that used to work to help lift me out of these feelings, but normally they don't work. I think, "I shouldn't be struggling here! This isn't fair! Snap out of it Charissa!" And I continue to struggle to lift myself out of the feelings.

This morning I read an incredible verse. Psalms 3:3 "But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."

Do you know why this encourages me so much?

I don't have to lift my own head!

So many times I take God's responsibility on myself and try to lift my own head. But this verse says that GOD is the lifter of my head!  GOD is the one who will lift me out of discouragement. GOD is able to save me from myself, my thoughts and disappointments. GOD is able and willing to lift me out of myself. I can trust Him to do it.

Isn't that awesome!?

We have a God who not only can but will lift us out of the holes we throw ourselves in.

Jesus I am so excited to watch you lift me out of discouragement. I believe you can do it!


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