Full circle

When I first started to blog I was so afraid of what I was writing. I had this thought process that said if I didn't say something, or said something wrong that everyone would hate me. Now that is not the case. I just say everything and anything that comes to my mind and post it on the internet :) haha - to me the hilarious thing about all of this is in a few years I will look back on all of these and cringe. 

As I was looking back I saw many posts on the fact that I was raising my own support - this blog has come full circle because guess what? Right now I am raising my own support. I never really stopped I just stopped actively setting up meetings with people. Currently I am at 56% of my budget - that is over 50% so I'm good right? - unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Would you pray for me? Right now I have to do this and it makes me uncomfortable. But I have never died in a support raising meeting so I should just accept this challenge from the Lord as something that he is using to grow me. I am struggling with trusting the Lord, pray that I would have the faith to believe him when he tells me to step out in faith doing what he has called me to do. 

Thanks! :) I appreciate it. 


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