Verse of the week: The real one :)

I realized that the verse I posted earlier was picked mostly out of my downcast heart. I have to say that earlier today I was in the dumps. It really wasn't pretty. But I am so thankful to the Lord because he didn't let me stay down there he drew me up to himself. I love him so much! So this is my new verse of the week!

Psalms 94:18-19
When I thought "My foot slips," your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. When my cares are many, your consultations cheer my soul.

My foot slipped today.... and I was falling. I feel so deeply into my selfishness and into feeling sorry for myself. But in all of that he allowed me in his graciousness to fund old posts and read some of the things I wrote. When I did that I realized that the same God who I wrote about then is the same God who is by my side now. His love and forgiveness held me up! My cares right now are many.... I could list them. But I won't because he is the one who upholds me. He is the one who makes my path straight. He is the one who guides me and brings me into life and into his fullness. I love him! And guess what thinking on the Lord's goodness did for me? I am happy guys! I know crazy, right? He cheered my soul because of his goodness and his kindness toward me, I have been so wrong. Sigh, I'm so glad that he is good and faithful. He's had to put up with a lot from me especially in the last 48 hours.

So here's to the real verse of the week! If he will up hold me - then I'll be okay.... yep I'll be okay. :)


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