Verse of the week: Put away

James 1:21 ESV
Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness 
and receive with meekness the implanted word, 
which is able to save your souls.

I have a hard time putting things away. Normally I drop things on the floor and/or put it all in a huge pile, willing it to disappear. I try not to look at the growing pile of dishes or the clothes that liter the floor near my room because if I can't see it, it can't see me.... right?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way....

It doesn't work that way with sin either. You can't just push sin into a corner and say "if I can't see it then it can't see me..." because the truth of the matter is, it not only sees you but it desires to destroy you. So many people myself included, think "I don't really have to deal with it because I'm a Christian I'll just say a prayer. And if I do fall into temptation well then I will ask forgiveness." But sin no matter how small, can't be left unnoticed. It has to be addressed. It sits there like moldy dishes or dirty clothes only getting worse. I have to get up and do something about sin. With meekness receive the word God has said about my sin and put it to death in my life. It doesn't have to own me. But I have to chose to put it away.


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