Everything for a Reason

The last couple of days I have been in and out of the office due to an inner ear infection. DUDE - no joke it is the worst! On Wednesday I woke up and my world was spinning - I couldn't focus on anything. It was so alarming that all I could think to do was say "Focus on Jesus! Focus on Jesus! Focus on Jesus!" As I was yelling this at 5 in the morning slowly the lamp stopped shaking and my pillows stopped doing loops. But I have to say that it was horrible, I was bed ridden for the whole day and then the next day silly me came to work and ended up having to leave early because I got so dizzy and nauseous.

I was talking to my mom and complaining, "Why! WHY is this happening to me???" It seems like every time that I leave and come back I bring some kind of illness home with me. Crazy. But guys- it's because my Savior knows exactly how to take care of me. He understands that I need rest and what better way to make a workaholic rest than to make them so dizzy they can't stand up? I'm just realizing more and more what a wonderful Savior I have and even the things that happen to me that aren't desirable are for my good. Isn't that wonderful? Everything happens for a reason and I don't have to worry or wonder why things happen I can just know that he is taking care of me and he has it all under control. Amazing. Jesus you are so cool :)


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