Surrender - part 2

Hey guys! SO I thought I would follow up my post "Surrender" with another one. Why? In the last two weeks God has taught me so much about it that I need to express it.

I was sitting in a session about going out into the inner city to pass out invitations for clubs. I heard very clearly the Lord say, "Charissa, are you willing to die for me?" *blink, blink* WHAT? Why would he ask such a thing?! It isn't like I'm going to die today am I? I answered very clearly back to the Lord, "No I'm not." And it hit me, I'm not willing to lay down my life for the one who has given his life for me. But then I prayed, "Help me to be willing." All the fear that I had covering me concerning passing out invitations and teaching in open parks and neighborhoods that I could possibly get hurt in VANISHED. It was gone. I had an overwhelming sense of peace that no matter what happened, no matter who opened the door, I would be okay because I was in the arms of the Savior who loved me more than anyone on earth.

Honestly though - the only thing that was really stopping me from living fully for the Lord was my self preservation. No this doesn't mean I am going to put myself into situations that I could get hurt on purpose - but it does me that nothing is going to stop me from following Jesus.

Over the last couple of months little by little I have been taking back my life from the Lord - saying things like, "I'll trust you with finaces but with my relationships - I got those. I'll trust you with my car but with my ultimate safety I got this." But at Good News Across America, Jesus challenged me to give it all back to him and hold nothing back. It's one of the best decisions I have made this year. Surrendering hurts - you feel like a part of your soul has died, but there is so much freedom. It's so worth it! Every hurt, every pain, everything is so worth the ultimate freedom that you have in Christ to be who he has called you to be. It's amazing. So if you haven't I would encourage you to surrender your all to Christ - everything you are and everything you have.... including your life. It's worth it. So worth it.


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