July Update!!

I burned my hand - Yes. It is true. I had put a pan in the oven to make sure that it cooked all the way through. I pulled it out - no biggie. Then I pulled out another pan from the oven and had to make some space on the stove top. 0.0 Never in my life have I felt so much pain running through my hand. It was at least 400 degrees and my fingers were melting. I dropped the pan and in pure shock just stood there like, "I just burned my hand. I just burned my hand." A few days later I was pulling another pan out of the oven and burned the exact same hand again. To answer your burning question, I do have scars on my hand :) Yay me!

The red parts are were I got burnt - so pretty much my whole fingers. It hurt really bad.
Mileah made me a bracelet! It was so nice of her! Isn't it awesome! I love the color and design that she did :) So cool!
I have also been taught how to make bead bracelets! So awesome! I love it! This is my first project and I think it is turning out pretty good :) I don't know just yet if I want to make it a bracelet or a bookmark I have to just wait and see.
 The most intense game of Jenga ever! Haha Abby was freaking out (well we all were really, who am I trying to kid?) It was so fun to have Abby and Patrick over with me to help me make the long trip to Indianapolis! They came the night before and we played phase ten and Jenga then went to sleep.
Early morning Sunday we began the trek to Indianapolis! It was so interesting. I loved driving the whole way especially with these two! We went through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Kentucky the first day.
 We stopped for the night in Kentucky to be with Summer and Eli! It was so great! I loved getting to see them and explore their property. Let's just say I was scared out of my mind that we'd come across a snake or other wildlife that would want to harm me even though Eli assured me that it wouldn't kill me just hurt me. I think he enjoyed messing with me. To the right is their beautiful Rooster which did start crowing at 5:30 in the morning. He wasn't late.... haha
 Patrick, Abby, Eli and myself stop to take a selfie down by their creek :) It was so fun to see the water and enjoy nature!
 Eli went to rescue this poor little flower from the middle of tall grass I wasn't willing to venture through so that I could take a picture. I just love how beautiful God's creation is. He didn't need us to make the flowers and animals he just let's us enjoy them.

This is Lucky :) He's so friendly and so cute - but he wants everyone to pet him. Haha he's not camera shy at all!

 The worst storm I have seen in a while. It didn't happen in Florida though we were only 30 minutes away from our destination when it started to rain so hard I couldn't see out my front window. No I didn't take this picture I was driving with both my hands on the steering wheel trying not to cause an accident. At one point I was praying that my windshield wipers would push off more water because it was so thick. We also went through a tornado warning during this storm. It was crazy!!

 More of God's beautiful creation at the Creation Museum! So great to be able to appreciate all his handiwork  and have a nice camera to capture all of it. :)

 We love the petting zoo at the Creation Museum. I can't tell you how many times I have enjoyed petting the animals and just gaze at what God has made. Though I do have to say it was extremely hot when we went so all the animals were in the shade. They were almost like "You crazy for being outside." Haha
 This little lamb was a new addition to the petting zoo and was getting used to people petting it. So pretty!

 This is Mark going down the zip line! That was really fun to watch him and others go down and be able to document it!

 My cute sister above! I loved being able to spend time with her during the two weeks. One of the best parts of Good News Across America was being able to be with her and Andrew (who doesn't like his picture taken) They are the bestest! haha

These pictures to the right are the slow decline of my appearance the first day of clubs that we did for the kids. It was crazy! But I loved every minute of it. I am so blessed to be able to do a job that I love!
 As a daily ritual we would find different odd places to sleep. Our team ended up taking naps everywhere because we were all exhausted! My favorite was a library because we all looked homeless as we sprawled out on the floor and chairs just to take a nap! They told us that we had to leave because we were sleeping on the floor. haha it was the best.

This is my hand. Yes my hand is extremely dirty. Super dirty - so dirty you can see the dirt. The reason I took a picture of my hand is this.
I was sitting on the tarp examining my dirty hands thinking, "I just wish I could wash my hands so that they wouldn't be so dirty," and the scripture came to mind about "How beautiful are the feet that bring the Gospel." During the time that that was written people wore sandals and their feet would become disgustingly dirty from the streets but Paul was saying that they were beautiful because they brought hope and life to people who didn't have any before. And I thought "If my dirty hands get the opportunity to serve the Lord and lead one child to Christ - then it's all worth it. It doesn't matter how dirty they get because I have an opportunity to offer my hands to the one who can use them no matter how disgustingly dirty they are and bring a little one to know him." It's amazing what God will teach you if you are listening to him. He is amazing.

Dearest Stephanie,

Thank you for everything at Good News Across America! I know you put so much time and effort into making sure that the details go smoothly. I had a wonderful time and I learned so much from listening to you and Rachel, Paul and John. I discovered that I love working with inner city kids and I have a passion to help churches succeed in reaching them. You are awesome! Don't ever think that what you are doing in the office day in and day out isn't worth it because when it's all said and done you had a HUGE part in changing multiple lives, including mine :) I love you SOOO much! I'm SO proud of everything that you have done with this ministry and I am so happy that I got to be a part of this part of your life! Yay!
Love Charissa

 Elizabeth and I baking in the sun as we filled out registrations for the rally at our church. We filled out over 300 registrations and had multiple people who walked in on the other side and didn't see us. We're pretty sure there were over 400 people who had come to the church. One lady stopped me and was almost crying as she said, "I've been looking for a church, this is just what I needed!" It was so awesome to connect her to the church and a blessing to be a part of that.

The next day after a week of crazy ministry we left to go home at 7 in the morning.... yes we are insane. This picture was taken before we lost our ever loving minds. haha
 I finally finished my 2015 collage that I put together for CYIA. My one wall was too filled so I had to branch out to the other wall. I just have to say I love all these students and their dedication to following the Lord and working with kids all summer! It is so awesome to be able to work with them!

I have also been painting in my free time! Yay! No I'm not very good at it but I like to do it so I do it. It kind of turned into a free for all and I ended up painting my hand instead of the canvas but you know what I had fun - so it was good :)

This is the most recent picture of myself that doesn't look like I have died. How am I? Guys... I'm doing really good! PRAISE THE LORD! Depression ain't got nothing on me. I'm so thankful.... so so thankful. But I am pretty sad because this is the last month I will live in Orlando. I am moving back home to Naples in one month. I am trying not to count the days because it makes me really sad - I have learned to love Orlando and most importantly the people who live here and make my life so happy. But I am following where the Lord is leading me and right now he is leading me to Naples Florida back to my parents house. This doesn't mean that all the updates will stop though - so be sure to keep following my blog and what the Lord is doing. Overall it is a bitter-sweet month full of choices and hard decisions, but I am constantly reminded that God is faithful. 

He who has been faithful to me, will be faithful again. 

And I believe that. 


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