Down but not Overtaken

Hey friends! It's been a long time. But I'm back! 

Let's get right to it.... I have been feeling depressed lately. (I know... I know...) It's been the crippling kind that makes it hard to get out of bed or feel like doing anything. The type that makes you so tired, but you are unable to sleep. Yeah that kind. And I have to admit for a while I was not sure if I was going to be okay. But guess what? 

I might be down but I am by no means overtaken. My feelings might tell me that I am hopeless but I have hope in the only one who can save me. His name is Jesus. 

When I am depressed I like to escape - this can be through books, movies, exercising, anything that will make me forget what it feels like to be hopeless. But escaping doesn't work - because you always have to come back to reality sometime or another and it is often worse when you get back then when you left. But I want to share a secret, the best escape ever. My new favorite escape is into my Savior's arms. He understands me. He knows what's going on. He gets the pain that I can't explain and don't have the words to ask for help. He gets me. And as long as he does... I'll be alright. So just pray for me :) okay? I'd appreciate it. 


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