Blessings in Disguise :)

Today we started our journey to Warrenton, MO! By 4:30am this morning we were on the road.... ready to get this day going! We made awesome time getting up to Sarasota in less than two hours. Suddenly a light was blinking on the dash board. Daddy tried to fix the problem but the light persistently glowed. We continued on our journey and passed through a toll gate. When dad lowered his window an awful smell entered the car. At first I thought it was someone else, but as we passed over the Skyway bridge the transmission failed.

Long story short right now we are in a garage and looking at over $1000 dollars in repairs. Today I woke up with an upset stomach and a sore throat. The car was smoking and leaking oil. We had to eat gas station breakfast. I spilled soap on myself twice, got stuck in a bathroom and only the cold water worked.  Everyone is exhausted, but still we are all smiling. The Lord has been so good to us! The mechanics ended up being right next door and really nice people. The car reservation was $100 dollars less that it was originally. And we are still going to Warrenton! Normally, we would be angry and upset at all that had gone wrong today, but we're not. While I don't know what He is trying to teach us through this, I am joyfully anticipating it. :)

Emily found a Spanish children's book to read :) 

Ivan: I am so tired!!! 

Still smilin'


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