Footprints in the sand

         So an update on me moving.... yeah. It has been almost two months from the time I was supposed to be moving. All this delay is mostly due to my support. Because CEF* is non-profit, I am raising my own support. Right now I am at 54%, but I still need the other 46% to come in before I can actually move. I must say though waiting is not as difficult as I thought it would be. The Lord has been teaching me to trust Him. He is constantly telling me, "Don't worry Charissa, I got this whole situation under control. I know what I am doing. I've done this before."
He showed me this very clearly through the beach.

         When I was in Oregon with my family, we went to the beach to see the Pacific Ocean. Yay! A bunch of Florida people freezing their toes off in the Pacific! It was a very foggy day so you couldn't see the water that was in front of you. It was a totally new experience. :)

          As I began to walk down towards the tundra water, I looked down and noticed how many footprints were in the sand. I stated to play a game with myself "Try not to walk anywhere that there was already a footprint". It was almost impossible.

             Then the thought came "Even the places that don't have footprints have been stepped on before by someone in history. This beach has been here forever, so someone has stepped there before, just not today." The thought was so mind blowing!  I had to stop.
I feel like the Lord just opened my eyes to see how that related to my walk in ministry. Like He was telling me no matter where He is taking me He has already made the way for me to travel that path.

 Also he has already walked that way with someone else. Probably dozens of other people have walked the exact same walk that I am walking. The Lord has done this so many times why wouldn't I, why couldn't I trust him? He has given me every reason to trust and obey Him. The Lord has led thousands of people, why can't I trust Him to lead me?

Help me to trust you like I need to! Give me a heart that follows after you all the days of my life. I believe that you have my best in mind. You can take care of all my needs, even 46% of funds left to come in. You can do it! I believe in you.

                                      I love you, Charissa

P.S. This is just a little picture for you to enjoy. I saw this when we went down to the beach in OR. :)
When I first saw this I thought it was two people sitting in their car in panda suits.
Haha :) Then I found out they were only seat covers! 


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