So right now I am unpacking from a great weekend away :)
As you can see my room is a mess.... |
I know it has been almost a week from the time I was in Missouri... but what can I say, I don't like to unpack. As it so happened last weekend was a weekend of unpacking for me. Not physically, but spiritually at Guide Retreat, Jesus wanted me to unpack all the baggage I had been carrying with me. It was so subtle that I didn't even realize what He was doing. Everyone carries baggage around with them, it could be bags of fear, anger, pride, bitterness, but there is always something that we hold on to. As much as we don't like examining the contents of each package, it is the only way that we can be truly free.
Through circumstances last weekend I was able to unpack bags of fear, whoo hoo!! Suitcases filled with pride and my last purse of bitterness. I could have never unpacked all of that alone. Trust me.... I have tried before! Jesus was the only one who was able to help me sort out the mess of my life and get me refocused again. I love Him! :)
Anyway... I promised more pictures, so here is some of the fun things I got to do while I was away! Warning! There are about 20 pictures :)
More than 60 people attended Guide Retreat, which is the biggest turnout that they have ever had! |
You won't believe this but while I was there I got a bee sting on my hand! It is the little red dot in the picture. This was taken a few hours after it happened. Everyone kept asking me "Are you allergic to bee stings?" To which I would answer "I don't know.... this is my very first one. I guess we will find out." |
On Sunday we got to visit this very cool place in St. Louis. It is an awesome experience and if you are in St. Louis I would definitely recommend going there. |
At the City Museum, they had tons of things to climb on and tunnels that lead to slides. These pictures are of some of our group going up the side of a dome. |
I was so happy that while I was in St. Louis I got to see my very good friend Esther! |
This ferris wheel was on the top of the tenth story. It was super scary to be at the very top! |
Being ten stories high it was super cold and the wind was blowing!
Left to right: Andrew, Stephanie, Esther and Ivan. |
This was a ten story slide located in the center of the building. |
Parting was bitter sweet. I was very glad to be going home, but so sad to leave my friends. All these pictures were taken on the way home :)
One of the many rest areas that we stopped at :) |
Emily found this mug at Cracker Barrel and she wanted me to take a picture.
It says: Money can't buy happiness. But it can Ice Cream which is pretty much the same thing. :) |
At A&W they gave us frozen mugs! It was really neat to see the soda freeze almost as soon as it hit the glass. |
Welcome to Metropolis, IL home to everything Superman!! |
I had an awesome time last weekend and if I could do it over again I would.... even the unpacking.
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