Car problems.... Oh the joy!

I was driving down the road headed away from my house, everything was fine. When all of a sudden BAM! my car died. I lost all of my power steering, nothing was working so I quickly maneuvered off the road on the a side street. Turning on my emergency lights, I turned off my car and began to pray. I was begging the Lord not to let my car die right here. When I tried to turn the key, my car started immediately. I was so grateful! Sighing with relief I pulled back out on to the main road and continued on my journey. Not five minutes later my car repeated the scene again. Now I was worried. I was half way between my house and my destination. I didn't know what to do, but I just keep going. My car started again. The next time it died I was in a turning lane in the middle of an intersection. And I was afraid.

This was Monday night, to answer the lingering question in your mind, no I didn't get stranded. I made it home fine and the next day I went to and from work without problems. It was so strange. On Wednesday I decided I needed to take my car in to the place were the CEF cars get their maintenance done.  So this morning I dropped my car off and all day I have eagerly awaited the call to find out the damage.

Turns out, a tube in my engine had a leak so it was letting air into the gas, causing the computer to add more gas to the engine when it didn't need to. They think that it was adding so much gas that the computer would just shut down because it knew there was a problem. Then they also found a problem with my radiator. I need a new fan. By this time on the phone I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't understand what he was saying. But there is something else that is wrong with my car too. So right now I am just peachy. It is going to cost me somewhere around $500 to get all of this fixed, excluding the thing I can't remember.

I just have to keep reminding myself that the Lord has never failed me before and He won't stop now. If you think about me or my car in the next few days, can you pray? I would really appreciate it :)


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