February Update!

February.... oh what a month! The ups have been very high and the downs have been oh so very low. Let us start with the ups! In no particular order...

Number 1 Up: I believe I have found a church that I am going to start going to!! :) Yay me! I am going to write about that more tomorrow.

Number 2 Up: My mom came to visit me! We got to do a lot of fun decorating around my house. It was so much fun to have her and Kendra and Emily with me last weekend. I kind of had to remember how to share again haha... No I'm not kidding. Here are some pictures of the semi-decorated house :)
Left to right: Emily, Kendra and me going somewhere that I can't remember. :) 

Mom painted this for me! I love it so much :) 

I'm not done with the dinning room yet. This is the beginning of wall decoration in there. 

Number 3 Up: I got to see my dear friend Jessica and her fiance Nathan. They were camping with Nathan's family so we went hiking together and got to look at nature :)
Bad lighting. Good times :) 
On this hike, I told Nathan and Jessica that I was afraid of snakes.(when I say afraid I mean deathly afraid. Some childhood trauma you never get over) As we went along Nathan would read the trail signs that told us about different trees and wildlife that we might encounter. As we were walking, Nathan looked in my direction and sucked in air while saying very quietly "Rattlesnake." I almost jumped on Jessica! It was after I almost squished Jessica before Nathan told me "I was just reading the sign." All of us started laughing so hard, I started to cry just a little bit (half from laughing/half from being so terrified.) Needless to say I tried to walk on the middle of the path from that time on. 

Number 4 Up: I made it to and from Tallahassee safely! The CYIA promotional went really well! We had about 15 teenagers who came to hear about CYIA and Jenna and I got to demo a 5-day Club. It was really a great time :) Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures... now I am kicking myself about that. :(

These are not all the happy things that happened to me :) Most of them I already blogged about!

Now for the series of unfortunate events that happened to me in February. I will try to make this short :) 

Number 1 down: I found out that my car has multiple things wrong with it that need to be fix... which should cost me a small fortune! Yay!! The only thing with this is that I am beginning to drive around the state so I need my car. Oh the joy. 

Number 2 down: I was/am extremely lonely. I sit at home and watch old black and white videos. Don't get me wrong I love them (and I also found out that I love Jimmy Stewart in those old movies! He is a wonderful actor... It's great!) but you can only watch so much black and white before you start to lose your mind. Finding friends hasn't been as easy as I was hoping it would be.  But the Pastor today said don't give up! So that's what I'm going to do.... with the Lord's help.... it is a lot easier said than done.

Number 3 Down: I actually can't think of anything else. February has had more ups than downs :) That's wonderful!! :)

Sorry this post was sooo long! I hope that the pictures sort of made up for it :) Until next time!!

P.S. I thought you all should know that I am sitting in my car outside of Starbucks because I don't have WiFi at my home. Yeah... I know I am pathetic. Also my feet are burning up inside of my Toms because it is so hot. I just really wanted to tell someone that.... don't ask me why.... I don't know. 


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